Humanity is undoubtedly experiencing one of the most difficult and painful periods as he traverses his passage on EARTH. Contemporary man, who has spent so much energy fearing the power of nuclear weapons, has come to be dominated and overwhelmed by the presence of a fierce latent enemy — the Coronavirus.
A New World is about to be born, gestated in the entrails of the old. It comes with the expectation that it will correct sins and distortions of the Contemporary Age. We cannot ignore, and it is unquestionable to deny, the technological advances that these new times have conveyed on all the sciences. We now live in an era of information and communication, digitized and enlarged by the power of millions of megabytes. The world, in fact, has become a large global village but it has brought behavioral transformations that threaten values and
principles of many generations.I am sure the book, THE POWER OF CHAOS, through its focused essays, will help you develop a critical, in-depth analysis of our society in transit and in crisis. Can the world, Homo Sapiens, regain its equilibrium? I am an optimist by nature. I believe in the power of CHAOS. It is from this, from the creative destruction, that more just political, social and economic changes will come. Humanity will rise from the ashes and find its way to a plentiful happiness built by more reflexive, generous and loving people.