Pleasure and Displeasure in a World in Transition

Pleasure and Displeasure in a World in Transition


We cannot ignore, and it is unquestionable to deny, the technological  advances that these new times have conveyed to all the sciences. We now live in an era of information and communication, digitized and enlarged by the power of millions of megabytes. The world, in fact, has become a large global village, running the risk of losing those national characteristics that made countries different from one another.

What I lament most is the penchant for haste which is present in these times. People want to be successful at all costs. As a result, common mental disorders accompany this goal. Suicide rates have increased enormously and depression is already epidemic. Our children have become orphans while their parents are living. Elderly people are excluded mercilessly from the working market and their voice of experience is no longer heard.