

    EM “DE BRAÇOS ABERTOS PARA O MUNDO”, Os leitores descobrem uma maneira mais prazerosa e saudável de desfrutar dessa aventura, deslumbrante chamada VIDA. Damos adeus ao passado, deixamos de adiar tanto a vida e compreendemos que a vida só acontece na presente.


    Em “DE CARA COM A VIDA” a autora encoraja o leitor a não ter medo do confronto inevitável de todos nós com situações inerentes à própria vida. Muitas vezes precisamos adequar paradigmas, crenças e valores ao processo contínuo e dinâmico da existência de todos! nós. Arquiva digital, disponível em PDF. O material poderá ser impressa au visualizada em tablet, pendrive ou CD.


    EM “DE FRENTE COM A REALIDADE”, a autora encoraja o leitor a permitir que a caixa preta do seu inconsciente seja colocada à mostra. É através desse contato visceral com nossos compartimentos secretos que teremos a chance de nos libertar de nosso cárcere emocional.


    EM “DE OLHO NA EMOÇÃO”, os leitores concluem que as possíveis saídas só surgirão quando tivermos coragem de colocar nossas emoções bem próximas a nossos reais sentimentos. Temos de nos permitir sentir a raiva, o desamor, o ódio, a tristeza, o desapontamento, o prazer e a diversidade de sentimentos que habitam a alma humana.

  • ENOUGH! Everything Has A Limit

    The trilogy, STRIKING THE GAVEL, includes the works: “STOP! I Can’t Take It Any More”, “ENOUGH! Everything Has A Limit”, and “ULTIMATUM”, and advances existential situations that all of us must confront throughout our lives. Our natures, because of our fears, discomfort, the accommodations we make, and so many other feelings, tend to align with situations that destroy our most genuine selves, although it may cost us an unbearable price. They also endure many injuries over a long period of time. Then, our natures become sick, revolt, and, finally, rebel. Through this process, they, then, transform so much restrained and repressed anger into redeeming and creative energy. Finally, at the turning point of physical, psychological and emotional exhaustion, as an act of love to ourselves, our natures become capable of saying good-bye to what has been restraining us in “STOP and “ ENOUGH”, and deliver an “ULTIMATUM” to those people, situations and circumstances which have been impeding us. Digital File, available in PDF. The material can be printed or saved on a tablet, usb drive or CD.

  • Finding Happiness in Our Changing World

    As a matter of fact, we have been living through some hard and difficult times. Nothing is maintained in the same way any longer, much less forever. Changes occur without asking anyone for permission. We have to hasten in order not to miss the train of history. These are troubled and unsettling times that do not allow us to adjust to the many transformations that have come about so abruptly. We must either open our arms to the new or we will be left behind.

    The book, Finding Happiness  In Our Changing  World, presents 40 texts inspired by both the pleasures and displeasures of today’s times. I am a highly positive person. I believe in Man just as I am sure he will encounter the right equilibrium that will lead him to a more consistent and tangible happiness for all.


    A autora na trilogia “FLAGRANTES” capta com maestria aspectos comuns à vida de todos nós. Sua prosa poética é forte, intensa, e, algumas vezes contundente. Os textos dessa trilogia são como uma radiografia das dores, sentimentos e emoções da humanidade. Sua leitura faz-nos mergulhar em águas profundas propiciando um íntimo contato com nós mesmos. A autora, no entanto, não nos deixa a sós. Ensina-nos que o caminho da libertação virá através do autoconhecimento. 

    Arquivo digital, disponível em PDF. O material poderá ser impresso ou visualizado em tablet, pendrive ou CD.


    A autora na trilogia “FLAGRANTES” capta com maestria aspectos comuns à vida de todos nós. Sua prosa poética é forte, intensa, e, algumas vezes contundente. Os textos dessa trilogia são como uma radiografia das dores, sentimentos e emoções da humanidade. Sua leitura faz-nos mergulhar em águas profundas propiciando um íntimo contato com nós mesmos. A autora, no entanto, não nos deixa a sós. Ensina-nos que o caminho da libertação virá através do autoconhecimento.

    Arquivo digital, disponível em PDF. O material poderá ser impresso ou visualizado em tablet, pendrive ou CD.


    A autora na trilogia “FLAGRANTES” capta com maestria aspectos comuns à vida de todos nós. Sua prosa poética é forte, intensa, e, algumas vezes contundente. Os textos dessa trilogia são como uma radiografia das dores, sentimentos e emoções da humanidade. Sua leitura faz-nos mergulhar em águas profundas propiciando um íntimo contato com nós mesmos. A autora, no entanto, não nos deixa a sós. Ensina-nos que o caminho da libertação virá através do autoconhecimento. 

    Arquivo digital, disponível em PDF. O material poderá ser impresso ou visualizado em tablet, pendrive ou CD.


    The trilogy, THE FLUIDITY OF LIFE, was conceived with a great intent: to let those perceptions emerge from deep inside us, that lead us to understand how our inner processes block our ability to live our lives in fluidity. It is impossible to exist comfortably using our old paradigms after reading these three books. They guide us to plunge into deep waters which can sometimes be agitated and potentially devastating. However, because the author has mastered the art of striking at the heart of our emotions, she teaches each reader how to gain his/her own freedom. These books will motivate those who are highly interested in searching within themselves for the tools to control their own lives. In describing the author’s poetic vision, one reviewer stated, “Luciane’s books are as beautiful as Van Gogh’s sunflowers which never feel intimidated by the Sun.” The three books in the trilogy, FLOWS OF PERCEPTION, FLOWS OF CONSCIOUSNESS and FLOWS OF PERCEPTION, can be read separately, at no inconvenience. Digital File, available in PDF. The material can be printed or saved on a tablet, usb drive or CD.


    The trilogy, THE FLUIDITY OF LIFE, was conceived with a great intent: to let those perceptions emerge from deep inside us, that lead us to understand how our inner processes block our ability to live our lives in fluidity. It is impossible to exist comfortably using our old paradigms after reading these three books. They guide us to plunge into deep waters which can sometimes be agitated and potentially devastating. However, because the author has mastered the art of striking at the heart of our emotions, she teaches each reader how to gain his/her own freedom. These books will motivate those who are highly interested in searching within themselves for the tools to control their own lives. In describing the author’s poetic vision, one reviewer stated, “Luciane’s books are as beautiful as Van Gogh’s sunflowers which never feel intimidated by the Sun.” The three books in the trilogy, FLOWS OF PERCEPTION, FLOWS OF CONSCIOUSNESS and FLOWS OF PERCEPTION, can be read separately, at no inconvenience. Digital File, available in PDF. The material can be printed or saved on a tablet, usb drive or CD.


    The trilogy, THE FLUIDITY OF LIFE, was conceived with a great intent: to let those perceptions emerge from deep inside us, that lead us to understand how our inner processes block our ability to live our lives in fluidity. It is impossible to exist comfortably using our old paradigms after reading these three books. They guide us to plunge into deep waters which can sometimes be agitated and potentially devastating. However, because the author has mastered the art of striking at the heart of our emotions, she teaches each reader how to gain his/her own freedom. These books will motivate those who are highly interested in searching within themselves for the tools to control their own lives. In describing the author’s poetic vision, one reviewer stated, “Luciane’s books are as beautiful as Van Gogh’s sunflowers which never feel intimidated by the Sun.” The three books in the trilogy, FLOWS OF PERCEPTION, FLOWS OF CONSCIOUSNESS and FLOWS OF PERCEPTION, can be read separately, at no inconvenience. Digital File, available in PDF. The material can be printed or saved on a tablet, usb drive or CD.
